Soft Washing services to keep the exterior of your home looking its best!
At Wall 2 Wall Cleaning Services we specialize in house washing and soft pressure washing. Our St. Louis cleaning team takes the time to correctly pressure wash every inch and remove the dirt and mold, if any, from your home’s exterior. Licensed, bonded, and insured, our team of cleaning professionals in St Charles and St Louis is prepared to clean every inch of your house.

We are your local House washing experts
Why trust your most prized possession to a company with little to no experience? Our team knows the right combination of water pressure and chemicals to improve your home’s exterior without harming it in the process.
We are committed to doing the job correctly the first time. It's important to us that you are completely satisfied. Our pressure washing technicians are thoroughly trained on all of our special equipment to make sure the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned without any damage to paint, siding, spackle, vinyl, or finish. Our technicians take the time to check the surfaces carefully before starting pressure-washing services.
Proudly serving St. Charles, St. peters, O’fallon, Chesterfield, MO and surrounding areas.

More About Our House Washing Services
Pressure Washing Vs Soft Washing
While most in our area call house washing “pressure washing,” the technique we use is actually “soft washing”. This method is combined with environmentally safe detergents that kill that nasty mold and mildew on your home’s exterior. Using a low pressure to wash your home will still clean vinyl, wood, brick, or painted siding effectively; the process is much safer than using a high-pressure wash. Our process will keep your home cleaner for up to three times longer! We make it look easy. If you need pressure washing, we have you covered.
Detailed House Washing Process
Many of our clients are concerned as to what happens at their homes for a scheduled pressure washing service.
Each pressure washing service performed at residential homes includes the following:
- Our skilled cleaning professionals thoroughly inspect all the surfaces of your home before starting the service.
- We use the right combination of house washing detergents and water pressure to clean your home’s exterior without causing damage in the process.
- Our technicians are trained on all of our special equipment to make sure that they take off what needs to be removed, not the paint, siding, spackle, vinyl, or finish.
Gutter Scrub And Restoration
Our standard house wash will remove any mold, algae, and dirt from the exterior of your gutters but if you have any black or grey staining a standard house wash may not remove it. These stains are literally baked into the paint of your gutters. A gutter scrub involves scrubbing every square inch of your gutters with a brush and special chemicals. The process is labor intensive but the finished product looks great.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our House Washing & Soft Washing Services
A soft wash incorporates special low-pressure nozzles on the end of a pressure washing gun or wand. That is combined with a biodegradable chemical that removes the biological elements (mold, algae, pollen, dirt, moss) and other stains without damaging surfaces on your home or killing your plants. The only time for full pressure (4000psi) should be used is to pressure wash concrete with a surface cleaner that defuses pressure through two nozzles. We apply chemical cleaners under low pressure so that the solution can adhere better to the surface being cleaned. This will allow the formula to react faster and remove the dirt immediately.
For applications that require soft-washing, as opposed to pressure washing, Wall 2 Wall uses high-volume, low-pressure applicators to apply a mixture of sodium hypo-chloride solution that is deluded with soaps and water. The majority of it is water, so it is still safe around pets, plants, etc. The crews ALWAYS spray extra water before and after the solution is sprayed on anything nearby.
If the mold comes back, or we have missed something, there is an 18-Month No Mold Guarantee for the full exterior House Wash. If you just purchased “one side”, there is no guarantee/warranty.
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Service Area
We provide residential and commercial cleaning services In Ballwin, Chesterfield, Creve Coeur, Eureka, Florissant, Foristell, Hazelwood, Kirkwood, Lake St Louis, Maryland Heights, O'Fallon, St Charles, St Louis, St Peters, Town & Country, Troy, Webster Groves, Wentzville, Wildwood, MO and surrounding areas throughout St. Charles County and St/ Louis County.